Performing Rights If you would like to perform any of Bruce’s plays, please fill in the form below to request the Performing Rights. Name Email Society/Group Name Play —Please choose an option—>>> ADULT - FULL LENGTH <<<Truth or DareSomeone Will Take You AwayThe Press Below the StairsWhat We Become in the DarkEclipsesWould Like to Meet>>> ADULT - ONE ACT <<<RoostChild's PlayThe Play's the ThingStation to StationWill or WilmaPrestoMary, MaryWhen I Snap My Fingers>>> CHILDREN - FULL LENGTH <<<The Land of RulesEver AfterThe Magic MirrorWhich Witch?>>> CHILDREN - SHORT <<<Santa and StanThe InnBreaking Down the WallsBlue – Green, Green – Blue Venue Production Dates Notes Δ